Healthy Boundaries

           Have you ever walked away from a conversation or argument due to feeling emotionally drained? If so, you might have set a boundary for yourself and did not realize it! Sometimes the opposite can happen, we may try to control others and want things said or done in a certain manner. No matter how much we try, we cannot control anyone’s reactions or behaviors. Setting healthy boundaries can help foster and maintain self-care and balance.

            The first step in creating healthy boundaries is becoming self-aware. You may ask yourself questions such as “What is draining me? What is taking all my time and energy? What is stressing me out?” Once you become self-aware of what may be causing distress in your life, you can begin to brainstorm some healthy boundaries to protect yourself and well-being.

            Setting healthy boundaries may be difficult at first, especially if pleasing others or not saying no is natural. Fear not! With practice, you can become a professional at setting healthy boundaries for yourself. A simple yet firm boundary could be as easy as letting someone know what you are comfortable with accepting or doing. Remember to use a neutral tone of voice and be consistent in your boundary. Without the important component of consistency, individuals may not take your boundary as serious.

            Once you have the self-awareness and begin creating healthy boundaries for yourself, it is time to strengthen your healthy boundaries. Reflect on the healthy boundaries you have made thus far and ask yourself if you are being consistent and firm. Some individuals may not like the boundaries that you have set; however, it is important to remember that boundaries are meant to work in your favor. It may be tempting to give in on some things, which happens, but in the beginning make sure to be consistent so you can build the confidence to set more boundaries in the future for yourself if or when needed.

            Now that you know the steps to healthy boundaries, it is time to act! Before you know it, setting healthy boundaries will become natural and you may start to feel more relaxed and calmer. Just in keep in mind that it may be an adjustment phase but think of the rewards of having self-care and balance in your life.