Controlling the Battle of the Mind through Mindfulness

Have you been feeling the effects of stress? Having issues with racing or wandering thoughts, or increased anxiety that seem to be triggered from environmental factors leading to agitation or sadness.  What if I told you that an effective tool that you could use to combat the battle of the mind could be found through something as simple as a quick meditative exercise.  Mindfulness has become increasingly popular through meditation as a conduit to improve the health and wellness of the brain.  he primary goal of this mental training is to enhance psychological aspects like managing stress, anxiety, and regulating one’s emotions. Mindfulness meditation brings nonjudgmental attention to present-moment experiences, allowing the person to be in the here and now with a heightened sense of alertness. Studies show that being “Mindful” of your thoughts and grounding yourself in the present moment utilizing mindfulness techniques lower stress and brings peace of mind through a method known as rest and restore. Follow the steps listed below to try a quick 5-minute mindfulness exercise that can be done at work, in your home, or any place where you are at rest or sitting. If possible, search YOUTUBE for a meditation playlist for relaxing background music to enhance your meditation experience.

  • Close your eyes for one minute and bring awareness to the feelings of air coming in and out of your nostrils.
  • Slowly take in two deep breaths
  • Allow gravity to pull you into the chair allowing the chair to hold you
  • Imagine a place in your mind that brings you peace, your favorite place.
  • Notice the sounds around you, what do you feel, smell, see?
  • Bring attention to your thoughts with your eyes still closed and have compassion for whatever comes to mind. Explore this place.
  • Observe, accept, and allow…. let everything be as it is.
  • If your mind wonders, it’s okay try not to judge. Just return your focus to this place.
  • After a few minutes, take a deep breath, focusing on the air in and out of your nostrils.
  • Redirect your focus to the present moment, paying attention to sensations like the air against your skin, the pressure of your body on the chair, and the sounds in your surroundings.
  • After a few moments, slowly allow yourself to return to the world around you.
  • Open your eyes, welcome back.

We hope you enjoyed this quick mindfulness meditation exercise.  Remember, self-care is crucial to your physical and mental health. If possible, integrate daily mindfulness exercises into your routine to help combat stress, improve concentration, increase happiness, and reduce anxiety. We cannot always avoid daily stressors, but we can come to together to support each other through healthy ways to cope. May peace stay with you as we embark on this mindfulness journey showing gratitude for gift of being present in the here and now. Best wishes!

If you would like more information about our available therapy modalities which could lead to a better understanding of Mindfulness, call 469-294-9075 for your free consultation today.