Digital Mental Health

Many people find games on their phone as away to escape and relax. Many people find videos hilarious and informative and can watch them for hours. When is too much of a good thing a bad thing? When do I know to put down the phone, the game controller, or the mouse? Ask yourself these questions as a quick check-in to your emotional and mental state.

Am I purposefully avoiding something or someone?

If you are using devices and social media to purposely occupy your time so you do not have to do something or talk to someone then now is a good time to check what is about that person or that thing that I do not want to face. Distractions provide short term relief but most often than not do not solve anything.

Has the amount of time I spent on my devices negatively impacted my life?

Did you miss an assignment because you spent all your time gaming instead of doing homework? Did you stay up so late that you woke up late and got to work for the third time in a week? If this is you, it may be time to reflect inward and check your time management skills.

Have others said that you have become withdrawn?

Have your friends and family said that you do not spend time with them anymore? Do you find yourself isolating? If this is you, now is a good time to do a quick mental check on your emotional and mental state.

Relaxation and having fun can be very healing but when you recognize that you may be indulging too much that’s a good time to do a mental check and scale back on your digital usage.