Just Say “No!”

How many times do you hear the word “no” and immediately have a negative feeling? Why does this word affect so many in a negative way? I also felt uncomfortable hearing and saying this tiny 2 letter word.  You have to admit, when we say “NO” it instantly reminds us of what we cannot have, do, or always in reference to what is not allowed…BUT what if I told you that this 2 letter word actually can add to your life instead of taking something away! The word “NO” can actually help you gain more than you think.

When I was in grad school, I was a single mother of four, full time employee and full time student. My life was full to the brim! Many of my fellow students, friends, and family would often ask me, “how did I do it all?”  Honestly, I often wondered the same thing as well. But one day I actually stopped and really contemplated on this question, and to my surprise, I didn’t have an extraordinary method or plan, but all I had was “NO”…I would often say “NO” to social events or anything and anyone that would distract me from focusing on what I was trying to do with my schooling, kids, and job. I realized that the very word that I associated with taking things away actually kept me from being distracted and allowed me to gain needed time and space to focus on the things that were important to me at that time of my life. This little 2 letter word actually helped me gain so much and allowed me to keep my sanity during an insane period. This little 2 letter word that so many of us associate with a negative tone was actually a very positive weapon and a form of a protective boundary for me. I realized that saying “NO” was actually saying “YES” to what was important to me and for my family…and sanity!


Saying no means you value your time. 

Saying no is the best tool you have for distancing yourself from negative people or situations. 

Saying no can be a brave act. … 

Saying no means you know what you want. … 

Saying no means standing your ground. … 

Saying no is sometimes saying yes…to yourself and space

So…there you have it…JUST SAY NO!

By: Debra Burns M.A. LPC-A

Supervised by Honour Sithole LPS-S