Nutrition Services

Next STEPS Worldwide offers a variety of nutrition services provided by our expert team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Whether it is for an eating disorder, medical condition, or understanding the link between your brain and gut to promote better mental health, our dietitians can you help you reach the next level in your mental and physical health goals.

Disordered Eating & Chronic Dieting

Disordered eating patterns with food include: struggling with yo-yo weight fluctuation; chronic off and on dieting; emotional eating and/or unstable eating patterns. Our Registered Dietitians (RDs) help stabilize your nutrition patterns and habits by completing a thorough nutrition assessment. We get to know who you are, your goals, and create a personalized plan to tackle prioritized nutrition issues.Poor Relationship with Food

Falling victim to a poor relationship with food can be complicated and multifaceted. Do you ever talk down to yourself when you eat something “bad” or believe that your ability to eat healthy translates to your ability to be an accomplished person? You may be experiencing a negative relationship with food. Our Registered Dietitians have worked extensively with therapists and psychologists to implement neutral concepts around food like Intuitive Eating & Health at Every Size.

Poor Appetite & Weight Gain related to Anxiety & Depression

Consider a time when you were really nervous about something. You probably experienced a poor appetite, stomach distress or both. This is an acute example of brain changes affecting the gastroenterology system. The brain and gut are related in many ways. Research has found that anxiety alone can alter the way we digest foods. It is also known that how we eat and how we feel about what we eat can affect our gut, which in turn affects anxiety and depression. Nutrition is a key component to successful anxiety and depression management.

Diabetes Education & Nutrition Management

Our Registered Dietitians (RDs) can help you learn how to nutritionally manage your diabetes from therapeutic meal planning to grocery shopping. They can not only assist you with planning for a balanced, wholesome menu, RDs can help you understand why recommendations are made.

Grocery Shopping Experiential

Ever find yourself in a grocery aisle staring at all the different choices and trying to determine which product is the best one to satisfy your taste buds while meeting your nutrition goals. We know that going to the grocery store can be overwhelming, expensive, and time-consuming.

On a grocery store experiential, our RDs will show you how to take the stress out of grocery shopping by teaching you how to select a variety of foods that fit your nutritional needs and budget!

Meal Plans

Do you ever stress what is for dinner or what to cook in order to meet your nutrition goals?  Our RDs can create weekly meal plans for you to take the work and stress out of deciding what’s for dinner every day!


Eating Disorder Nutrition Services

We have a complete line of Eating Disorder Specialized Nutrition Services. Click the button below to request more information about them.